2006 Reg Volvo BL61
2006 reg Volvo Bl61 back hoe loader
90Hp four cylinder turbo charged Volvo engine
4 speed manual transmission
Torque converter with left hand power shuttle
40kmh road speed
4 wheel drive with 4 wheel braking
4 in 1 front bucket with integrated pallet forks
Self level bucket control for front bucket
Extendable rear back actor
Piped for breaker on the rear
Manual quick hitch for rear buckets with JCB bucket carrier
Standard JCB configuration for back actor levers
Rubber street pads for rear jack Legs
Complete set of safety check valves on all ram cylinders
Front fenders
extra work lights
Comes with a brand new safety certificate valid for one year
13,000 hrs use
This machine was taken as a trade in from a town council contractor it is in pristine condition and is a credit to the previous owner , it is maintained and serviced to the highest standards and comes fully serviced and ready to work , there will be no faults found with this machine.
Price : P.O.A
A vat docket can be supplied with this machine , Finance can also be arranged you will not find a cleaner example of a 2006 digger that has been so well looked after !